Publish bicycle news.

Publish bicycle news based on news items on our news blog and automatically published in our activity timeline. SEO and Google News optimized. Visible to all members.

Publish bicycle news cl

publish your cycling news

Publish cycling news where your readers are.

Publish your cycling news where the cycling fanatics and cycling enthusiasts are; the Velo Fever Binking community. Placing news items on our website is very interesting, because they are also automatically on the timeline come from our community. In concrete terms, this means that they are visible to everyone.

In addition, our bicycle news items are optimized for search engines (SEO – Search Engine Optimization) and are automatically forwarded to Google News.

Publishing bicycle news is possible via the “NEWS” tab in “MY PROFILE”.

Reactions and interaction with your news item.

At the bottom of the news item is a comment field where you are logged in members respond to cycling news that you published. This ensures a nice interaction with bicycle and cycling enthusiasts.

This way you quickly have an idea of what is going on among cycling enthusiasts and thus optimize your next news item. You know exactly what information your readers find interesting and what they want to read more news about.

Part your news report directly and easily via Social Media channels using the simple share button at the bottom of the news message.

The news on Velo Fever is getting publicity.

Bike News on our platform is directly on the timeline. This is what everyone sees logged in but also not logged in visitor to our site your news item. Publishing cycling news on Velo Fever is therefore not only for members but also for non-members who visit the website. You can also easily share it via Socials.

News reports about the bicycle industry are divided into categories to clear to make. The posts are optimized for search engines. This ensures that they are easily found.

News items are also instant forwarded to Google News. Original and fun content therefore has a real chance of being picked up!

View all bicycle news here ↗

View all posted cycling news via this link. On the left you can find the different news categories.

Current shows ↗

Stay informed and view our current exhibitions here.

Useful information ↗

Get to know our opening hours, ticket prices and discounts.

The speed of news.

Receive all news messages a date and author along. They are also easy to share via the buttons at the bottom. This way you can easily share news item to Facebook or on X for example.

This allows you to quickly create reach and visibility. The news items you publishes come online immediately. So you don't lose time with editors who have to approve or printers who have to print. You have control as a journalist/author, you make your bike news message and publishes it instantly.

Connect with our biking community.

Our Velo Fever is a Socal Network of like-minded people, cycling fanatics and cycling crazy athletes. Connect and expand your network within biking and bicycle community.

You can become a member of Cycling Fan clubs or via our bicycle calendar planning your next event to report on.

Is new publishing free?

No one publish news message is not free but costs €9.95.

  1. Your news item will be on our Biking Community timeline. Get this ALL members will see your message. Our community is your target audience. For example, for a product launch, this generates a large reach and a lot of visibility.
  2. To you bicycle news, add a link. The importance of a good, qualitative backlink is very valuable (more information about the usefulness of Backlinks). You create a link from a relevant website to your own website. This is awful valuable for SEO. Typically, specialized companies will charge you between €15 and €65 for this.
  3. If author you will receive a mention. Readers can therefore click through to your profile and thus come into contact with you or your Social Media profiles.
  4. The news you publishes about cycling comes in a separate section News Sitemap and is connected with Google News. So if your content is valuable and unique, it can be picked up in Google's news feed.

So we only charge €9.95 for all this 😉

How quickly will my cycling news be online?

Immediately. News you publish via our form will be online immediately. We realize the importance of the speed at which news comes online and therefore give priority to publishing your news item online.

Creating your news item itself is super simple and user friendly. Via an online form you add a photo (banner), the text of your cycling news message, a short summary, you choose a category, add a link and you can publish. All of this takes maximum 5 to 10 minutes.

How does the payment for the publication of news work?

The Payment is automatic and via our secure online payment method. You can pay with Paypal or Credit Card. Payment is therefore instant.

Can I edit my message?

Yes, you can adjust your news item after publication. You can view, edit or save messages as drafts via your own profile.

So if there is an error, you can correct or remove it.

Here you see your own messages: My profile -> tab “NEWS” -> tab “MY NEWS”

What news can I publish?

All news about bicycles, cycling races, clubs, teams, bicycle products, accessories, accessories, cycling companies, a cycling event, benefit, transfers or bicycle sponsors are allowed.

There is no limit, the basis is a link with the cycling industry. Copied messages, false, negative or irrelevant news on topics other than the cycling world are not permitted.

Can anyone publish bicycle news?

Yes, here we count on it common sense of the author. Only write news about topics you are interested in are passionate, your involved party are like participant, producer or if editor.

If you are professionally active as a journalist, please contact us for special conditions: +32 493 382 912

Can I count on support or help for the publication?

Yes, this is possible, if you need help, we are ready to help you and help you publish bicycle news. Please contact us via the green speech bubble and our chat, through mail : or by phone : +32 493 38 29 12

We offer various services, including the “Do It For You” service for publishing news items.

Postpone your news item.

you have control over the publication of your news message. For example, does this concern the opening of a new one? bicycle shop you can choose to only publish the message on the date you choose.

It is also possible for product launches to publish your news item on the day of the launch.

Add video to your bicycle news message.

It's easy to add media to your cycling news. You simply add one video toe aan je wielernieuws. Stel dat je een nieuwsbericht publiceert over een nieuwe Mountain bike kan je er dus de video van de product lancering aan toevoegen.

Next videos are also photo galleries possible. You can add or insert different photos in your Bike News message. You can use the easy-to-fill form for your news item upload videos and photos.


Publish your Bicycle News

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